Freight Forwarders

Welcome to Freight Forwarders. This is the first article to be published on this website and it is really just an welcome and introduction of what the visitor can come to expect from this site as it grows over time.

This website is created to provide a major information resource for those who require the specialized services of freight fowarders including forwarders insurance to cover your items being shipped as well as software to track your consignment from start to finish in its journey to its recipient.

The job of the freight forwarder is typically to arrange the movement of cargo to international destinations. They are also referred to as international freight forwarders. These specialized companies have the expertise necessary to enable them to prepare and process all the required documentation as well as to perform international shipment related activities.

A freight forwarder will review such typical information as the commercial invoice, bill of lading, shipper's export declaration and other documents that are required by the carrier or the country of export, import or transshipment. Currently, much of this information is computerizes and therefore processed in a paperless environment.

If you are inrerested to know more about how this process works and the many aspects of shipping at both the national and international level, then this siet will become a vrey useful informatin resource for you. We hope you get as much out of it as we get from putting research and work into it!


Comment by: Karl

There are such many uses for these forwarder companies of which I personally come into contact with regularly in my line of work. You have a very great site and good informative posts, will come back often to read more of transportation logistics info when I can. Thank you.

Regards, Karl.

Comment by: Insurance

I was looking for some information regarding freight forwarding insurance and will be awaiting future articles covering this subject. I have just started my own cargo shipping company and will appreciate any help I can get. Thanks

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